There are dirty text messages, and there are clean love sms. And there are also rude text messages, and there are also everyday feel-good sms texts. Whoever or whatever you are, surely you must have been receiving cell phone text messages the first day you got our own mobile phone (Thanks that I still have to receive rude text messages!).
Cell phone text messages are a phenomenon all over the world. Almost everyone, people from all walks of life are doing it, sending SMS text messages to everyone else.
I use cell phone mainly for text messaging. It is one of the cheapest and definitely the fastest way of communicating, whether within your country or to any other country all over the world.
To use the cell phone for text message sending is very simple. Just go to your cell phone feature on messaging, type in whatever message you need to send, and then press the Send option. Most of the time, sending is successful. But if at the moment of your sending, your cell phone signal is weak or nil you will get the message “Message sending failed.” Try on an area where you think the signal is much better.
Sending can also fail when you are not aware that you have zero text and call credits. You will receive the message “check operator” reminding you of your zero balance and that you need to replenish your call credit. This can be very frustrating as the text message that was not sent might be very important, and what’s worse is that you have a prepaid cell phone and the next cell phone call card shop is miles away – happens to me quite often.
Cell phone text messages are quite cheap, and anyone can simply afford it. Cell phone companies charge 10 cents or even less on a sent message. Received SMS text messages are for some free of charge. The fact is that many avoid to use cell phones for calls and instead just use them for cell phone text messages.
Hopefully, rude text messages don’t go my way, and instead love text messages such as this will always be received on my cell phone: I wl alwys b hir 4 u now & 4ever, as ur frend and as ur luv.
Cell phone text messages are a phenomenon all over the world. Almost everyone, people from all walks of life are doing it, sending SMS text messages to everyone else.
I use cell phone mainly for text messaging. It is one of the cheapest and definitely the fastest way of communicating, whether within your country or to any other country all over the world.
To use the cell phone for text message sending is very simple. Just go to your cell phone feature on messaging, type in whatever message you need to send, and then press the Send option. Most of the time, sending is successful. But if at the moment of your sending, your cell phone signal is weak or nil you will get the message “Message sending failed.” Try on an area where you think the signal is much better.
Sending can also fail when you are not aware that you have zero text and call credits. You will receive the message “check operator” reminding you of your zero balance and that you need to replenish your call credit. This can be very frustrating as the text message that was not sent might be very important, and what’s worse is that you have a prepaid cell phone and the next cell phone call card shop is miles away – happens to me quite often.
Cell phone text messages are quite cheap, and anyone can simply afford it. Cell phone companies charge 10 cents or even less on a sent message. Received SMS text messages are for some free of charge. The fact is that many avoid to use cell phones for calls and instead just use them for cell phone text messages.
Hopefully, rude text messages don’t go my way, and instead love text messages such as this will always be received on my cell phone: I wl alwys b hir 4 u now & 4ever, as ur frend and as ur luv.
Related Article: SMS Text Message Tone Feature on Your Cell Phone
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